Our partners
Central Christian Church believes in Jesus' call to "love your neighbors as yourselves." However, we believe that it is a call for the church as much as for any individual. In order to live into this belief we are working to actively love our community by partnering with organizations that serve the people of Danbury. We open our space to over 40 meetings every month for organizations in the community doing valuable, life-giving work. Some of these organizations include:
Al-Anon Family Groups
Every Wednesday night we welcome an Al-Anon group into our parlor. The purpose of Al-Anon is to support friends and family of problem drinkers. If you would like to find out more about Al-Anon or where meeting might be held near to you, check out their website at http://al-anon.org/home.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Our fellowship hall is home to eight Alcoholics Anonymous meetings per week. Meetings are held daily at noon during the week as well as 7:30pm on Tuesdays, 10am on Saturdays, and Sundays at 5:30pm. If you are looking for help with an alcohol addiction, you are welcome at these meetings.
Annie C. Courtney Foundation
The Annie C. Courtney foundation meets in our parlor every month. The mission of the Courtney Foundation is to provide support to foster, adoptive and kinship families as well as young people who have experienced foster care through trainings, support groups,referral services, and recruitment of families for children who need them. If you would like more information, visit their website at http://www.anniec.org.
Association of Religious Communities - La Comida Food Pantry
Every month we purchase and bag beans and rice to donate to ARC's La Comida Food Pantry which is open every first and third Friday of the month.
Co-Dependents Anonymous
Every Thursday night we welcome Co-Dependents Anonymous into our space. The mission of Co-Dependents Anonymous is to help men and women learn to develop healthy relationships in their life. To find out more, visit their website at http://al-anon.org/home.
Family & Children's Aid
FCA is a child-focused not-for-profit organization offering high quality, innovative mental health care for children and their families. Our building is host to their afterschool program which brings in kids from all over Greater Danbury.